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Chevrolet Corvette Navigation System - 2013 - CRC - 3/5/12
38 Infotainment System
The emergency destination entry
method allows a destination to be
entered from three categories:
Police Station, Hospital, or Dealer.
? (Emergency): Press this button
screen to access the EMERGENCY
screen. The system displays the
address, longitude, and latitude
information of the vehicle's current
To use this destination entry
1. Select a category. A list of
destination(s) display with the
name of the destination and the
distance from the vehicle's
current position.
2. Select a destination point from
the list. Press Name Sort to sort
the list by name, or Dist Sort to
sort the list by distance from the
vehicle's current position.
After selecting a destination from
the list, a map screen appears
with the destination marked.
3. Press
4. Press the Guide screen button.
See Getting Started on Your
Route in this section.
Memory Points
The memory points destination entry
method allows selection of a
destination from a list of points that
have been previously stored.
To store, edit, and delete memory
points see Stored Locations on
page 45.
N (Memory Point): Press this
button from the DESTINATION
ENTRY screen to access the
To use this destination entry
1. Select the category/folder in
which the memory point has
been stored. Select from
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