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Chevrolet Corvette Navigation System - 2013 - CRC - 3/5/12
76 Infotainment System
Right Map Zoom In: The system
zooms in on the right map when in
dual map mode.
Right Map Zoom In (Maximum/
Minimum Scale): The system
zooms in to the minimum available
map scale on the right map when in
dual map mode.
Right Map Zoom Out: The system
zooms out on the right map when in
dual map mode.
Right Map Zoom Out (Maximum/
Maximum Scale): The system
zooms out to the maximum
available map scale on the right
map when in dual map mode.
Right Map [Change to] / [Show]
North Up [Mode]: The system
displays the North Up heading on
the right map when in dual
map mode.
Right Map [Change to] / [Show]
Heading Up [Mode]: The system
displays the Vehicle Up heading on
the right map when on the map
screen and in dual map mode.
Right Map [Change Map]
Direction: The system changes
from North Up to Heading Up or
from Heading Up to North Up.
[Show/Change to] Dual Map
Mode: The system changes the
map display to dual map mode.
[Show/Change to] Single Map
Mode: The system changes the
map display to single map mode.
[Change to] 3D Map [Mode]: The
system changes the map display to
the 3-dimensional map.
[Change to] 2D Map [Mode]: The
system changes the map display to
the 2-dimensional map.
Destination Commands
Home, Go Home: The system
enters the Home destination as a
waypoint or final destination, if a
home destination has been stored.
Go to Starting Point, Previous
Starting Point: The system enters
the last available starting point as a
waypoint or final destination.
[Go to] Previous Destination: The
system enters the last available
destination as a waypoint or final
destination, if one is available.
[Go to] Preset Destination
[Number] (number): The system
goes to the preset destination
number. This preset destination can
be chosen as a waypoint or a
destination. There must be a
location stored in the preset
destination number that is chosen.
For example, first store a location in
Preset Destination 3. Say Go to
Preset Destination 3. The system
goes to Preset Destination 3 and
prompt you to choose it as a
waypoint or destination.
Add [to] Waypoint: The system
adds the current marked point as a
waypoint. This command is used
after the following commands have
been used: Home, Go to Starting
Point, Go to Previous Destination.
Enter Destination: The system
adds the current marked point as
the final destination. This command
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